- We save your time
With us, you don’t have to sift through endless offers. We select only the best-reviewed and highest-rated products from our categories that are truly worth checking out. We go through hundreds of reviews and tests for you, and we even use most of the products we offer ourselves. This allows us to assess why certain products in a given price range are worth buying. If we don't find a sufficiently high-quality product at a reasonable price, we simply make it for you.
- Fair price
We either manufacture all the products in our offer ourselves or buy them exclusively directly from manufacturers or official distributors. Therefore, our price and offer are always up-to-date.
- Satisfaction guarantee
If you have any questions or problems, our customer service team is always ready to help. Did you buy a product that you thought would be perfect for you, but then found it doesn’t suit you? Sometimes it happens. Don’t worry! Every item you purchase from us (even as our business partner) comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee – no problems or questions asked.
- We only offer goods that we have in stock for immediate pickup
This ensures immediate shipment and timely delivery, with no waiting times of several weeks to months. If we don't have the product in stock and can't predict its restocking with certainty, we will remove it from our offer for some time.
- Transparency first
VelesX, s.r.o. has been operating in the market since 2017. You can reach us on weekdays at the phone number +421 947 948 946, or even visit us at our offices at: XXX XXX XXX XXX in the village of Malinovo near Bratislava. We do not hide; we are here for you and happy to advise you.